Are you in the cupcake mood yet? Today we have the pleasure of hearing from Amy from Nap Time Crafters. She created this cute cupcake matching game for young children; it is a great quiet game for them to play.
Hi I'm Amy from Nap Time Crafters!
Hi I'm Amy from Nap Time Crafters!
When I was little my mom made us a matching game with pom-poms and a muffin tin. I decided to go from there and made some yummy little cupcakes. Don't you want to gobble them up?
Here's what you need:
- Muffin Tin- I got mine at the dollar store
- Fabric- 6 different frosting colors and 1 cake
- Paint- to match your fabric
- Paintbrush- ignore that foam brush in the pic. I found a regular one works best
- Stuffing- sorry forgot to get that in the picture:)
- Pattern- print that out here (*I used 1/4" seam allowances)
When you're done- it should look like this:
6. Turn it right side out and then stuff your cupcake. When it's nice and fluffy hand sew the opening shut.
Yuuummm- doesn't it look good:)
7. Paint your muffin tin to match your cupcakes. This will take a few coats and a bit of patience. If you want you could save a bit of time and just paint the bottom- trust me that would be a lot easier and possibly only take 1 coat. ***Update! Try mod podging matching fabrics scraps to the bottom. Or cardstock.
Finished! The perfect set for your little one to bake with and learn a few colors.
OK... little miss doesn't quite know her colors yet, but she likes banging the pan around and flinging cupcakes across the room:)

Thanks Amy for sharing this fun game! Amy has more kid friendly ideas on her blog; two I think are great are:

This DIY Boardbook
and these cute Halloween Finger Puppets (I love this idea).
Head over to Naptime Crafters and check out what Amy is up to this week. She has lots of patterns and tutorials to browse through.
Now THAT is a CUTE idea!!! Love that it's learning but pretend fun too! :)